Friday, December 23, 2005

the unbearable pinkness of being in Ealing

I don't know what it is about the colour pink, personally I don't mind it too much, and those happy few who have seen things I have lit, will know that I am not averse to using it in the right circumstances.

There is a stubborn, almost pushy quality about the colour, however, and this is exemplified by the tendency of almost anything planted in the garden here to come up pink, whatever colour it was meant to be. By way of an example, when I was visiting The Deep North in spring I bought, rather out of sympathy a dying rose bush, which purported to be a vivid orange flashed with yellow. Having nursed said flower back to health and transported it back to London, it eventually rewarded me with a flower. No prizes for guessing what colour it was. The weird thing is, that, ever suspicious, I had kept it in a pot, rather than plant it out, and its contact with the pink-generating soil of the garden was minimal to say the least.

So, whatever the characteristic is that makes things go pink, it must be very potent. Scientific theory would suggest that the soil might be rather acid, I'm fairly sure it isn't, as acid loving plants don't do well.

Incidentally, I posted a bit about extraordinary christmas lights a while back, and said I would post any that caught my eye, there is a whole blogsite devoted to this very phenomenon, and quite extraordinary it is too.


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