Saturday, December 17, 2005


Current state of TBC (total banking catatastrophe) means that I've been investigating the nethermost regions of my freezer. Not that this is a bad thing, just that I'm having a bit of a trauma defrosting weird food that I can't recall ever freezing. I think I owe Elizabeth David (Katherine Whitehorn apparently)for the term UFO (unidentified frozen object), and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong (see above!).

Thing is, apart from the glut stuff, why did I ever think that some of my food would be rendered more desirable by prolonged freezing? So far everything I've thawed out has been vile, stuff I've cooked for myself in a spirit of experimentation, eaten a bit of and frozen, hoping it would taste better in six months time maybe? I need a dog, there would be somewhat less waste I suspect.

The other area of critical fault finding has to be my labelling; there isn't any, generally speaking I have a good memory, but it's bad for food ideas. I'm currently investigating a brown thing that seems to involve beans (possibly haricot), kidney (unspecified) and meat (even less specific), it tastes of brown, and not much else, I suspect that not even Daves Insanity Sauce could help this one.

I blame it on my ancestors; when my grandmother moved from Edinburgh to Berwick in 1970, she travelled (I hesitate to use the word flitted, not a term you would associate with my grandmother) with a selection of tins and bags of sugar that she had accumulated during and after the war, and when she died in 1981, the same collection of imperishable goods were in her cupboards. The bags of sugar had turned into solid blocks, suitable only for use as projectiles.

Of all the ideas I've inherited from my grandmother, I suspect having a well stocked cupboard would be the most useful (and most socially acceptable). I've had cause to be grateful in the past, come rain, come shine, nuclear winter or council bailiff, at least I won't starve, even if I'm eating a variety of eccentric things, things that I've never thought to label. Next week I might dare to look in the back of my cupboard, there's a lot of mysterious jars, also without labels, chutney and jam toasties anyone?

Oh well, I've got a couple of months before I have to think about getting a proper job and some fool will ask me to do something before then.


At Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:31:00 pm, Blogger Buttongrrrl said...

Food parcel on the way with sticky labels for future freezer experiments : )

At Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:51:00 pm, Blogger Lampy said...

but half the fun is in defrosting anonymous grey lumps!

At Monday, December 19, 2005 3:03:00 pm, Blogger Viking Longship said...


Sounds like your efforts of labelling are just like mine, just as well my wife is a bit more organised given that we have just frozen nearly 200Kgs of Meat......

Reminds me of my Chilli plants. Start off with 30 carefully labelled plants, but after repotting and many waterings having no idea just how strong the chilli your about to eat is.....

At Monday, December 19, 2005 8:24:00 pm, Blogger Nick said...

VL - eating chillis of unknown provenance is the Lord's way of telling you that you've drunk too much beer. As Dr Biswell will testify. (Hallelujah!)

At Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:03:00 am, Blogger Lampy said...

ordeal by chilli, bring it on... If you can get your chillis to go in Norway I take the hat I don't own off to you (mail me if you don't know about the tomato growers club), I've only tried peperoncino calabrese this year, and they've been very nice, but not very hot. I hope I can get them to survive to next year, in which case, glut city (I hope).

At Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:05:00 am, Blogger Lampy said...

I seem to hope a lot, try growing chillis is all I can say...


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