Saturday, December 31, 2005

the true meaning of christmas?

I travelled up to Bury St Edmunds again this week, partly to check on the condition of my installation after three weeks of wind and rain and to see how the panto was doing. My companion, the redoubtable Nottingham correspondant had also expressed a desire to visit the town, and, as she is a photographer of skill. to take some pictures around the place.

As we meandered through the streets, it was impossible not to notice the extraordinary nativity scene, made from stainless steel and very brightly lit; as you might expect, the usual suspects cluster rather two dimensionally round the baby jesus in the customary fashion. The infant messiah is the most solidly three dimensional structure in the tableau and resembles a sort of shiny tadpole. My companion hit the nail on the head when she observed; "it looks like an unexploded bomb", and by jingo I think she's got it.

The backing chorus look for all the world like a team of ordnance experts rather gingerly contemplating the task of defusing the infant. Perhaps this is a rather better metaphor than the artist realised.

I have to confess that, despite having a) a photographer, b) a camera, we completely neglected to record this work.

It remains possible that someone else might have done so, I'll keep you posted.

Many thanks to Ruby for the pictures (especially for the closeup, which takes courage beyond the call of duty), and for any further information about BSE I point you to her excellent blog:


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