Wednesday, June 14, 2006

sardines etc...

I couldn't visit Lisbon without purchasing some fish, obviously fresh fish and ten days in a truck isn't going to be a practical proposition. Fortunately Conserveira de Lisboa came to my aid, this is a very old fashioned establishment, when I first visited last week with the Nottingham correspondent, the proprietors' mother was pasting labels onto the tins by hand. They have a bewildering and colourful display of tins in the window, with all types of fish canned. I purchased anchovies, tuna and of course sardines, as well as some olive oil. My pile of cans was then carefully wrapped in brown paper and tied up with red string, before the parcel was placed into a bag and handed over.

I also purchased on the Nottingham correspondents behalf, a monstrous and extremely cheap ceramic bowl in the Mercado Ribeiro, a plain earthenware exterior apart from an incised line, and the inside with a green glaze. This purchase caused no little consternation at the till, as it became abundantly clear that they had nothing large enough to put it in, nor did they have any string. Eventually a compromise was reached with lashings of parcel tape, cardboard and a bin bag. I have left this at the theatre, with the faint hope that the cleaners won't be tempted to throw it out.

The other thing we noticed a lot of was very inventive stencilled and sprayed graffitti, we are contemplating a new blog to record this very transient art form, but in the mean time here are some fine examples from here in Lisbon:


At Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:47:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Francis, I reckon, and claim my prize if nobody has pointed it out already, that this is the work of Banksy. There is a very entertaining book of his endeavours out at the moment and I believe you will see some of these stencils in it.


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