Saturday, June 10, 2006


Regular visitors to this blog will realise that I have a great liking for markets, and try to find the local version whenever I can. Lisbon isn't noted for its markets but we did find the one for local produce, which was terrific, lots of warty lemons and named varieties of orange. The fish too were excellent, with that clean eye and silvery skin that says it hasn't been dead for very long. Sadly there wasn't much we could buy that would survive a truck journey, so I had to restrict myself to piri piri sauce and festival flowers.

It is the festival of St.Antonio, and in one of the squares there was a 25 metre high turret, which is carried around the town on the backs of many brawny men, including a mariachi band, and many small persons. Outside the hotel the Avenida di Liberdad is being prepared for a weekend of competitive marching, thankfully I will be working up to midnight.

Today's highlight was a visit to the local flea market, imagine a car boot sale spread over several streets and many hills, toss in the smell of street barbecued sardines and you've got a flavour. I bought another hammer; as previous readers may realise, I have a hammer problem, but I couldn't resist a stone masons hammer to add to my collection. I also bought four glasses (see Ill.) for 12 euros, that would have cost a great deal more in the UK. There's a lot to be said for having a truck to cart your stuff in!

Sitting by the road eating barbecued sardines and drinking beer is a very attractive way of life, by the way.


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