Sunday, January 07, 2007

Apologies for absence

A belated Happy New Year to you all, and my apologies for not having produced any mildly entertaining piffle for a few days. Quite apart from the customary ennui and tiredness that the end of the year generally produces, we foolishly gave house room to the evil twisby twins* who added their generally malign influence to proceedings.

Unfortunately they took over our minor efforts to bring in the New Year with fireworks, and whilst it wasn't a complete disaster they still introduced an undercurrent of despair and failure that managed to get to the most sensitive (and expensive) of our rockets.

Tomorrow I am going to Canada for a week, I am told, and hope that it will be like a civilised version of Amurka. Reports from Vancouver to follow, internet willing.

*for the gorey details please refer to or the collected works of Edward Gorey.


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