Saturday, December 02, 2006

ooh duckie

I've been travelling up to Bury St Edmunds most days this week, as the panto trundles into its final week (we open next thursday). It seems to be going quite well, they've learned from their experiences last year, and this time we have a temporary road giving access to the tent.

When I arrive in BSE, pretty much the first thing I encounter is a 24 hour Tesco, this is dead handy, both for fuelling up, and for picking up food and so forth on my way home. The carpark is rather curiously bisected by a small river, mostly filled with plastic bags and shopping trolleys. However, when I paused on the little bridge, and stared at the water, as I am given to doing, I noticed a couple of Mallards swimming upstream. There was something slightly wrong about the picture, and after a moment or two I realised that the hen was accompanied by a large brood of very small chicks.

I know that ducks aren't that clever, but December in BSE, which can be quite frosty, isn't a good time to raise a brood. I'm afraid the poor things won't last more than a few nights once it really begins to get cold. I hesitate to stick my hand up and say 'global warming' but I can't think of a more probable reason.


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