Wednesday, November 29, 2006

lies, damned lies...

Looking at the blog statistics gives a curious view of what the world is looking for, or maybe it gives a better idea of what makes my world turn. The two most common reasons that people visit the blog, apart from referrals, are searches about Sumatran Kopi Luwak coffee, the so-called lemur shit coffee, available from Imperial Teas and Coffees of Lincoln at £60.00/125g, and searches about 'The Shoe People' an unlamented childrens cartoon series from the 1980's. Memorable mostly for its' theme song (quoted elsewhere in the blog).

When I created that entry I neglected to inform you that the theme song was written by Justin Haywood, late of the Moody Blues, and also responsible for that 1960's slow number 'Nights in White Satin'. I have to confess that the latter song caused me some confusion when I was young, as I thought it was called 'Knights in White Satin', possibly best to draw a veil over the images that might suggest themselves.

I promise I'll say no more on either subject.


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