Thursday, December 01, 2005

beavis and butthead

Is it just me, or does Dubya's latest ugly little buzzword; 'sadammisation', carry with it a neocon subtext, intended insidiously to promote the notion that not only are the unfortunate iraqis a bunch of dangerous muslim extremists, but uncontrollable pillow biters too;
"My fellow americans, unless we are vigilant the sadammists will burn down the churches, defecate in mom's apple pie and have little jimmy up against a tree before you can say mujaheddin."

I can't help feeling that Dubya's 'dirty joke told behind the bike sheds' style of delivery doesn't quite impart the necessary gravitas, he conveys the same sort of mocking sincerity that Margaret Thatcher used to employ, and which made me gag even in the days when she was stealing my free school milk.

It's getting so you notice the strings that make him work, is this new catch phrase a simple-minded extension of his own small world of prejudice, or have the brains that push the buttons found a new way to electrify the american people?


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