Thursday, June 30, 2005

Parrots v. Skaterpunk

For the last few mornings I've been awakened at dawn by an appalling screeching rumpus from down the garden. Subsequent investigations have revealed that the feral parakeets have discovered that my gooseberries are on the verge of ripeness.

I'm not averse to sharing my produce around, but the little buggers are quite destructive, and seem to drop more than they eat. Today I'm trying out out a bit of aversion treatment on them.

Parakeets are quite timid, for all the noise they make, and very wary of any change, so I have festooned the area with redundant or damaged CD's amongst which is Ms Lavigne's opus 1. At the risk of blowing my street cred, I should point that this was my DSM's copy and got trodden on (the third copy she bought during that tour, you'd think she'd have learned). Her copy of the 'Busted' CD never left her person, I think she knew was likely to happen if it did.

Anyway, I'm hoping that the introduction of shiny, dangly, moving things will introduce sufficient uncertainty into their little lives that my gooseberries will ripen. Otherwise I'll have to consider netting them (the gooseberries, not the parakeets).


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