Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Return of the Foxes

I saw the cubs last night as I came home, there are at least three, and they were ripping up a bin bag further up the street. They watched me approach without any sign of fear, then discreetly ducked out of sight as I drew close. As soon as I had passed I looked back, and there was a pointed face with very large ears peering round at me. They are still quite small, and offer no threats to a cat as far as I can see.

There has been a BBC film unit filming in one of the houses up the street, and I hoped that the presence of an all-night security guard, sitting out on the pavement in a deck chair, complete with gas ring, kettle etc would be enough to discourage the little beasts.

Needless to say they were completely indifferent to him, and my rubbish was spread all over the pavement this morning.

I looked at the council website for information about pest control (not seeking to kill them off you understand, merely to discourage them), and they quite firmly state that they offer an advice service for many things, except: squirrels, pigeons and foxes. I wonder if it is a size thing, the cut-off point seems to be at rats. No doubt I'll come back to this story again.


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