Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Back into the working year with a vengeance, I've been poached by a rival techie agency. Much to my surprise I've ended up working for more or less the same people in more or less the same places. Two weeks of pissed up execs wobbling about to an expensive but dodgy covers band has merged seamlessly into a process management conference. Notable mostly because the ceiling in the very expensive hotel collapsed two minutes before we were due to begin. Anyone who has done oil industry gigs will know how obsessive they are about H&S, at BP for example, you aren't allowed to carry coffee without a lid, or climb the stairs without holding the handrail. So, I was rather surprised that the peerless delegates would not leave the room, despite the high probability of their being bombarded with soggy ceiling tiles.
The oil industry is rather macho (this may not come as a surprise), but even suits are not immune, there isn't a process management company or process that doesn't resolve or improve the most complex problems in three weeks or less. If only...


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