Wednesday, May 05, 2010

belgian style?

I don't know if it's just because I'm in a foreign country, but things look different here, I may have commented on the belgian obsession with using the appropriate beer glass for each beer, but I was taken aback to see an extremely pungent and crusty vagrant sitting at his ease on a bench in the middle of a traffic island, although he was consuming a bottle of cooking lager, he was using the appropriate glass to drink from.

On my way to the theatre I pass through a little park, more of a traffic island really, at one end there is a sort of open shelter, about 10 metres long. In this structure another enterprising vagrant has created his/her bed from a proper mattress and a pile of boxes and mats. He/she lies on this platform looking for all the world like the corpse of Lenin, only the occasional movement of an arm giving the lie to this impression.



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