Saturday, April 16, 2011

one is a publisher...

I have finally got it together to get off my backside and publish my book. The back story is that several years ago I wrote my small detective novel (I don't mean the detective is small, just that it isn't 500 pages long, as seems to be the fashion at the moment), with the feeble hope of generating enough interest/income to buy off the taxman. Sadly my magnum opus was met with a crescendo of indifference from the publishing trade, and feeling discouraged, I stuck it in a metaphorical drawer and sulked. The advent of the kindle and it's various electronic brethren reawakened my interest, and after a bit of research I decided that I would e-publish it myself. This has proved to be an education in many ways, the process is quite straightforward, but untangling all the kinks created both by my ineptitude at using the word processing software, and by microsoft's obsession with embedding auto corrects and other buried functions into the text has taken me nearly two days of fiddling. Along the way I had to create a cover for the book (I got carried away and ended up with four, one of which will be the cover for book two), and no doubt there'll be other things I have yet to do. Currently the book is available only on the smashwords website at the princely price of $2.99, once it has gone through a vetting process it will also be available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble for the same price,and it'll even have an isbn number. It can be found on:

This is my cover design for book 2 (I managed not to do books 3, 4, and 5)

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