Wednesday, July 19, 2006

arts trail

It suddenly occurred to me that I had made no further comment on the Sneinton Arts Trail, I suppose I've been a bit busy what with one thing and another.

In retrospect it might not have been the most sensible decision to do a fondue party for ten people on the night before, however, we did, and a good time was had by all. Next morning, however, our energy levels were a tad low, and much strong coffee had to be consumed before we could summon up enough energy to clear the place up.

There were four artists and me exhibiting, and it all had to be laid out in the Nottingham correspondents front room. Luckily the only artifact of any size was my 'nine freuds' installation, this proved to be quite an interractive exhibit, as the extreme heat melted the sticky velcro I had used to attach the freuds to their mounting board,and every now and again one would fall off and bounce morosely about the room.

We had about 90 visitors during the course of the day, and a bit of stuff was sold, mostly jewellery. Our chosen drink was the 'kir peche' chilled sparkling wine with a splash of peach liqueur, very refreshing, and a pleasing variation on the usual blackcurrant.

Leaving our team of attendants and tally takers, we were able to take in the other exhibits; lots of people had recommended the sculptures and paintings at one venue, I have to say that, whilst I applaud the artist for his breadth of skill and sheer volume, I absolutely hated his work. I don't need to see sculptures of busty negresses holding babies, this stuff is being churned out by the hundredweight in factories all over africa. Some of the other exhibitors were excellent, if a little impractical, it's very pleasing to see that the spirit of artistic endeavour is alive and well, and living unpretentiously in Nottingham.


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