Friday, April 21, 2006

the flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la...

Three days away in manchester and I come back to a riot of springlike activity; my Oullins Golden Gage tree, which last year produced two fruits in rather an apologetic way is absolutely covered in flowers (see Ill.). All the other trees that have been holding back for the past few years seem to be doing the same, I foresee jam making in the autumn. Which is a bit of a shame, because I don't actually eat that much jam. The gooseberry bushes are absolutely covered in flowers too, and hopefully the Avril Lavigne treatment will continue to be effective, I got enough to make a small pie last year, maybe this year will be better.

(see parrots v skaterpunk: )

The blue bottle hanging in the tree, by the way, is a rather excellent wasp trap, present from the nottingham correspondent.

I also have a new banana to add to the collection, musa dwarf red, produces edible red fruit in the UK apparently, given that it is two inches high at present I won't be holding my breath. Sad casualties thus far have been the musella lasiocarpa, which I think just didn't get enough light, and my buddha's hand citron, which has gone into shock, and dropped all its leaves. I have some hope it will recover, but I notice that a slug has ringbarked one bit of it, so war is declared early.


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