Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Strange days...

This is shaping up to be a very strange month, my expedition to the top end of Suffolk has resulted in my getting a very peculiar project. I am to create a sound and lightscape for the Theatre Royals' christmas show. As the theatre is closed for renovation, they have rented the National Theatres' touring tent to perform their production of Robinson Crusoe in a local park. My brief is to get the audience to the tent in a suitable state of anticipation and excitement. I had originally conceived of dividing the journey into five segments, but my first site visit revealed that the approach is rather short, and not possessed of a great many trees.

Current thoughts are still to make the actual journey a series of small adventures (not too exciting or scary, this is for age five upwards) starting from the present and travelling back through time to end up with an arrival at the desert island/tent, my transitional point, I think, is going to be a storm and a shipwreck. I'm still in the early stages with this one, much headscratching and thoughts about technology at the moment.

My other project, which re-emerged from the gloom where it had rightfully been lurking, is a production of Annie, time to break out the pink I think.

I also have a recce for a major outdoor project in a day or so, curious how these things only come in once the weather turns nasty.


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