Sunday, June 10, 2007

that's another bright idea...

I had occasion to wander into Tesco today, and yet again I was struck by the overall ghastliness of the experience, it was heaving, Sunday is plainly the day for the family shop nowadays. I have always used a basket, as I like to delude myself that I don't buy that much; and I was very aware of the many trolleys, and the apparent inability of so many shoppers to control them. What I find particularly annoying is thoughtless parking, and using the trolley to block access to a section that you might be interested in (this is particularly common round the 'reduced to clear section' which often resembles feeding time at the pyranha tank).

It did occur to me that many of these little irritations could be alleviated if each trolley was fitted with a little bell, or a hooter. Mind you, you'd never hear the announcements or the piped music.

This is our last night in London, we've been performing at Toynbee Hall, that venerable institution in East London, founded on optimism, and running on a combination of amateurish enthusiasm and sheer good luck. Given the speed with which buildings are being gobbled up in that part of London, somewhere I don't doubt that there's a property developer scheming. If he can only persuade Ken that the tube needs to run through it (Vide: Bishopsgate Goodyard), then we'll all be looking at another 100m office block before you can say 'public enquiry?'

I have a week off, during which the two households are going to miraculously slim down and become one, and more stuff will be packed into boxes. Then we're doing Jarvis Cockers' Meltdown Festival on the southbank, and off to Zurich. Suddenly, as if by magic, in two weeks time my contract will have ended.


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